"A Carmelite's day, is a communing with God,
from morning till night, and from night until morning.
If He did not fill our cells and our cloisters,
how empty they would be! But we see Him through all,
for we bear Him within us, and our life on this earth
is an anticipated heaven."
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

Daily Schedule
5:30 Rise
6:00 Matins & Lauds (Morning Prayer)
6:30 Mental Prayer
7:30 * Holy Mass/ Thanksgiving
Midmorning Prayer
9:00 Work
11:30 Midday & Midafternoon Prayer
Examination of Conscience
12:00 Dinner
12:30 Dishes/ Unstructured Recreation
1:30 Work
4:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer)
5:00 Spiritual Reading
5:30 Mental Prayer
6:30 Compline (Night Prayer)
Dishes/ Recreation
8:00 Free time in great silence
10:00 Retire
* The Chapel is open to the public at 7 AM
for the 7:30 AM Holy Mass
from Monday to Saturday.