July 23 Our Lady of Divine Grace
The Blessed Virgin Mary was eternally predestined, in the context of the Incarnation of the divine Word, to be the Mother of God. As decreed by divine Providence, she served on earth as the loving Mother of the divine Redeemer, His associate, uniquely generous, and the Lord's humble servant.
She conceived, bore, and nourished Christ; presented Him to the Father in the Temple; and was united with Him in His suffering as He died on the cross. In a completely unparalleled way she cooperated, by her obedience, faith, hope and burning charity, with our Savior's work of restoring supernatural life to souls. For this reason she is Mother to us all in the order of grace'
(Lumen Gentium, the Constitution on the Church, 61).
Ave maria
Gratia Plena
July 24 Bls. Maria Pilar, Teresa & Maria Angeles, Virgins & Martyrs
Maria Pilar of St. Francis Borgia (born at Tarazona on December 30, 1877), Teresa of the Child Jesus and of St. John of the Cross (born at Mochales on March 5, 1909), and Maria Angeles of St. Joseph (born at Getafe on March 6, 1905), Discalced Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of Guadalajara, Spain, were martyred on July 24, 1936, after having given witness to their faith in Christ the King and offered their lives for the Church.
The first fruits of the countless martyrs of the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, they were beatified by John Paul II on March 29, 1987.