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November 7    Bl. Francis Palau y Quer, Priest


Born in Aytona, Lerida, on December 29, 1811, Blessed Francis Palau y Quer entered the Order in 1832 and was ordained priest in 1836.


Civil turmoil forced him to live in exile and outside his community. On his return to Spain

 in 1851, he founded his School of Virtue - which was a model of catechetical teaching - at Barcelona.


The school was suppressed and he was unjustly exiled to Ibiza (1854-1860) where he lived at

El Vedrá in solitude and experienced mystically the vicissitudes of the Church.


While in the Balearic Islands he founded the Congregations of Carmelite Brothers and Carmelite Sisters (1860-1861). He preached popular missions and spread love for Our Lady wherever he went.


He died at Tarragona on March 20, 1872, and was beatified by Pope John Paul II on April 24, 1980.

November 8   Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Virgin


Elizabeth Catez of the Trinity was born in 1880 in the diocese of Bourges. In 1901 she entered the Discalced Carmelite monastery of Dijon. 


There she made her profession of vows in 1903 and from there she was called to light, to love and to life by the Divine Spouse in 1906, at the age of 26.  


A faithful adorer in spirit and in truth, her life was a praise of glory of the Most Blessed Trinity present in her soul and loved amidst interior darkness and excruciating illness.


In the mystery of divine inhabitation, she found her heaven on earth, her special charism and her mission for the Church.  


Elizabeth was beatified by Pope John Paul II on November 25, 1984. Her best-known prayer is "Holy Trinity Whom I Adore" which she wrote out of her love of the Trinity.

215 East Alhambra Road,

Alhambra, CA 91801



Carmelite Nuns of the Carmel of St. Teresa, Cloistered, Contemplative.

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Alhambra ~ California

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